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National Whistleblower Day 2025
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July 30th is National Whistleblower Day. It marks the date in 1778, when the U.S. Continental Congress unanimously passed America’s first whistleblower law. Enacted during the height of the Revolution, it demonstrates beyond doubt that the Founding Fathers recognized the importance of whistleblowers and demanded that they be protected. Their resolution was clear:
The remarkable history behind this historic law was first researched and made public by whistleblower attorney Stephen Kohn, in his book Rules for Whistleblowers. That history should be read by everyone who wants to learn how whistleblowing is an invaluable part of the American Tradition.
To honor this history, the first Congressional celebration of National Whistleblower Day took place in the U.S. Senate Kennedy Caucus Room on July 30th, 2015. Sponsored by the National Whistleblower Center, It was a huge success. Since then, thousands of whistleblowers and their supporters have celebrated July 30th as National Whistleblower Day.